Topical Workshops

Our workshops are a time to dig deeper into specific topics that help us prepare for practical action in our communities. This year, you can participate in the following workshop options:

Heal the Land

led by Scott Parker, Night Church

Does 2nd Chronicles 7:14 apply to us today? Can we still expect God to heal the land if we repent and pray? We’ll look more closely at the biblical context of this scripture and see how it applies to what the church is doing in Chicago today.

Part 1 (Mar 4) Recording
Part 2 (Apr 1) Recording
Part 3 (May 6)

Love Listens

led by Gabriel Lerma, Alpha

Practicing peaceful presence within the walls of your church or organization by creating safe spaces for people to be real and discuss matters of faith in an open and nonjudgmental way.

Part 1 (Mar 4)
Part 2 & 3 (May 6)

Hands Across Chicago Planning Workshop

led by Dr. John Fuder, Together Chicago

“Standing together in united prayer and action for peace in Chicago”

Learn more about Hands Across Chicago on Memorial Day weekend and brainstorm about how you can host a location of prayer and action in your community.

Seeking Justice in the Community

led by Rev. Alvin Bibbs, Together Chicago

God calls us to seek justice on behalf of the most vulnerable and the least of these within our society. While at the same time addressing racial biases and injustices within our communities. Discovery creative and collaborative ways to address these strategic issues during this engaging and thought-provoking workshop.

Part 1 (Mar 4)
Part 2 (Apr 1)
Part 3 (May 6)

"How to" Organizing Toolbox

led by Nate Tubbs, Together Chicago

Do you want to organize people for good in your neighborhood? Grow your community organizing skills and add best practices to your toolbox in this interactive workshop.

Part 1 (Mar 4) Recording | Handout
Part 2 (Apr 1) Recording | Handout
Part 3 (May 6)