Building Blocks of Peace invites organizations and associations to partner with this mission through the following options that we believe are mutually beneficial for both parties:

Church commits to:
- Promote the BBOP trainings through email lists, social media, word of mouth
- Send at least 3-5 (or X%) representatives to the trainings
- Participate in Hands Across Chicago (
- Participate in some kind of ‘faithful presence’ (min 1x/mo) initiative through the summer
- When appropriate or possible, collect or share relevant data metrics for BBOP evaluation
- Consider financial contribution to BBOP (optional)
- Deputize a representative to participate on the BBOP Steering Team (optional)
Building Blocks of Peace commits to:
- Facilitate Spring trainings beneficial to the church’s participants
- Provide promotional materials to churches
- Promote ‘faithful presence’ and peacemaking events through Together Chicago Faith-Community Mobilization Events Hub ( and Building Blocks of Peace website (
- Share resources, advice, updates
Organization commits to:
- Promote the BBOP trainings through email lists, social media, word of mouth
- Send at least 3-5 (or X%) representatives to the trainings
- Participate in Hands Across Chicago (
- Participate in some kind of ‘faithful presence’ (min 1x/mo) initiative through the summer
- Contribute to BBOP through teaching, sharing best practices
- When appropriate or possible, collect or share relevant data metrics for BBOP evaluation
Building Blocks of Peace commits to:
- Include mobilizing partner logo on BBOP website, promotional graphics
- Facilitate Spring trainings beneficial to the organization’s participants
- Promote ‘faithful presence’ and peacemaking events through Together Chicago Faith-Community Mobilization Events Hub ( and Building Blocks of Peace website (
- Support mobilizing partners, when possible, through physical or financial resources made available through the collective or potential grant opportunities
Partner commits to:
- Promote the BBOP trainings through email lists, social media, word of mouth
- Send at least 3-5 (or X%) representatives to the trainings
- Participate in Hands Across Chicago (
- Contribute to BBOP through expertise, complementary resources, finances, venue usage
- When appropriate or possible, collect or share relevant data metrics for BBOP evaluation
Building Blocks of Peace commits to:
- Include resource partner logo on BBOP website, promotional graphics
- Feature and thank at training events
- Redirect resources, when possible, to mobilizing partners and those facilitating ‘faithful presence’ on the ground in communities
Become an official partner
Please complete the Building Blocks of Peace partner registration form: